
Full stack software development on the Microsoft stack. Over twenty years of experience in developing / designing products and solutions in the best possible way.


Striving to a fully automated build and release pipeline. Mainly using Azure DevOps as CI/CD platform and using Microsoft Azure as cloud platform.


Code reviews focused on quality and maintainability. Help to implement scrum in your development process.

Bert Groenveld

Microsoft Certified Professional
Certified Scrum Master

About me

Ambitious. Full Stack Developer / Architect. Team Player. No 9-5 mentality. Technology Adopter.

My career started as a software engineer at a product supplier. Through the years I developed myself towards a lead developer. After that period I started working as Sofware Designer and later as Solution Architect.

I love to create something new. Greenfield projects so to speak :). But I was also involved in numerous projects where functionality was added rather than creating something new.

Technology wise I am an early adopter. Always curious how new stuff works and how it can help me and my client.

This is what I do

The last ten years I have been acting in the field as sofware architect / lead developer. I do care about code quality. Doing the best I can to create robust, testable, maintainable code. Yet also pragmatic if needed.

To prove code quality I use Sonar Cloud / Sonar Qube. This static code analysis software can when integrated into the build and release pipeline act as quality gate to keep up with the industry standards.

Everything is code. The sofware obviously, but also infrastructure, documentation, tests, database schema and so on. When managed in a versioning system like Git one is confident to move forward, because you are always able to go back.

Inspiring the client and the team comes natural to me. Discussing the possibilities rather than move around obstacles. Never lose sight of adding business value. And deliver always, on time.

Technologies I am currently focused on



.NET 8

Clean Architecture





Automated testing